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EVO-22 Jet-Stream

The EVO-12, EVO-22, EVO-60 and EVO-40 packs are designed to specifically fit with the new EVO-Rack using a innovative new pocket fastening system that securely holds the packs on the rack while riding.

EVO-22 Jet-Stream

  • Engineered and born out of high quality ballistic fabric.

  • Super smooth 22 litres designed and shaped to cheat the wind.

  • Two carry handles for easy fitment on and off the bike.

  • Internal pockets for keys and odds and ends.

  • Double sliders on zips for easy access and quick release buckles.

  • Reflective safety piping with highlights.

  • Designed to be used with our EVO-Rack System.

  • Approx dimensions: (H x W x L) 290 x 330 x 375 (11.4 x 13.0 x 14.75")

    Products and specifications are subject to change without prior notification. Images shown may differ in small details to actual product.

Part # Description Stock RRP (inc GST)
P2222/B EVO-22 Pack Jet-Stream (P2222/B)
Call for availability $229.00

The EVO-12, EVO-22, EVO-60 and EVO-40 packs are designed to specifically fit with the new EVO-Rack using a innovative new pocket fastening system that securely holds the packs on the rack while riding.

EVO-22 Jet-Stream

  • Engineered and born out of high quality ballistic fabric.

  • Super smooth 22 litres designed and shaped to cheat the wind.

  • Two carry handles for easy fitment on and off the bike.

  • Internal pockets for keys and odds and ends.

  • Double sliders on zips for easy access and quick release buckles.

  • Reflective safety piping with highlights.

  • Designed to be used with our EVO-Rack System.

  • Approx dimensions: (H x W x L) 290 x 330 x 375 (11.4 x 13.0 x 14.75")

    Products and specifications are subject to change without prior notification. Images shown may differ in small details to actual product.

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Donec ullamcorper magna enim, vitae fermentum turpis elementum quis. Interdum et malesuada fames ac ante ipsum primis in faucibus.

Curabitur vel sem mi. Proin in lobortis ipsum. Aliquam rutrum tempor ex ac rutrum. Maecenas nunc nulla, placerat at eleifend in, viverra etos sem. Nam sagittis lacus metus, dignissim blandit magna euismod eget. Suspendisse a nisl lacus. Phasellus eget augue tincidunt, sollicitudin lectus sed, convallis desto. Pellentesque vitae dui lacinia, venenatis erat sit amet, fringilla felis. Nullam maximus nisi nec mi facilisis.


Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Morbi ut blandit risus. Donec mollis nec tellus et rutrum. Orci varius natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. Ut consequat quam a purus faucibus scelerisque. Mauris ac dui ante. Pellentesque congue porttitor tempus. Donec sodales dapibus urna sed dictum. Duis congue posuere libero, a aliquam est porta quis.

Donec ullamcorper magna enim, vitae fermentum turpis elementum quis. Interdum et malesuada fames ac ante ipsum primis in faucibus.

Curabitur vel sem mi. Proin in lobortis ipsum. Aliquam rutrum tempor ex ac rutrum. Maecenas nunc nulla, placerat at eleifend in, viverra etos sem. Nam sagittis lacus metus, dignissim blandit magna euismod eget. Suspendisse a nisl lacus. Phasellus eget augue tincidunt, sollicitudin lectus sed, convallis desto. Pellentesque vitae dui lacinia, venenatis erat sit amet, fringilla felis. Nullam maximus nisi nec mi facilisis.

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The theme package includes theme source, Photoshop design files, sample data and manual guide.

That is not a problem. You just need to modify the width/height ratio in theme settings.

Products and specifications are subject to change without prior notification. Images shown may differ in small details to actual product.

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